Photographs, 1917-1919.
Related Entities
There are 3 Entities related to this resource.
United States. Army. Army, 1st (corporateBody)
First Army was constituted as an inactive unit of the Regular Army on August 9, 1932, pursuant to OCS 20696, August 9, 1932. It was activated at Fort Jay, New York, September 11, 1933, as one of four field armies headquartered in the continental United States by authority of AG Letter 320.2 (Sept. 2, 1933) September 11, 1933, and it exercised command over the I, II, and III Corps Areas. Headquarters First Army served concurrently with the Eastern Defense Command from June 21, 1941 through Septem...
Neller, J. R. (Joseph Robert), 1891- (person)
Joseph Robert Neller was a soil biologist at the University of Florida. During World War I, Neller served in the First Army's Fifth Photographic Section in the section's map department. The section was attached to the 104th Aero Squadron at Souily and later Foucaucourt. The section took part in the American offensives at St. Mihiel and the Argonne Forest. After the Armistice it was assigned to Trampot, France, on the Rhine River. From the description of Photographs, 1917-1919. (Unive...
United States. Army. American Expeditionary Forces (corporateBody)
Historical Note American Expeditionary Force The American Expeditionary Force (AEF) was the U.S. military force in Europe during World War I. Although a division commanded by General John J. Pershing was sent to France in June 1917, most of the AEF was manned as a result of passage of the Selective Service Act (40 Stat. 76) by the U.S. Congress on 18 May 1917, creating the Selective Service System. The Act gave the president the p...